How Many Hours Of Study Is Enough For Junior Cycle?

How to Help Teens Develop Good Study Habits | Understood - For learning and  thinking differencesEach study slot should have pre-assigned motives and goals e.g. complete a short answer exam section or complete three diagrams of river erosion. Goals must be assessable to ensure work is being done.

The Junior Certificate is a three year syllabus. The introductory two years should focus on the development of healthy habits and routines and not hours behind a desk. The student, who completes homework in its entirety on a consistent basis, keeps notes structured and engages with the teacher and support network at home will be in a prime position for success in the third and final year. Study guides help to form routines and good habits and also ensure work that is needed to be done is getting done.

Short recaps on the content covered which may have caused difficulty or uncertainty should be addressed once homework is complete. Failing to address such hesitancy's at an early stage will lead to an unwelcomed accumulation of difficulties further down the line. Below is a 'Study Plan for Junior Cert Students' it shows how many minutes should be spent doing homework and study each night for the different years. 

If this study guide is followed stress should be reduced and each student should feel more at ease when exam time arrives. 

Setting a good routine from first year can help keep yourself organised in the long run and the more you understand in first and second year the easier it is to revise in third year. 

Did you find this helpful? Check out our blog on studying over the Christmas break for more useful study tips

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