The Leaving Cert History Project Looking For Ideas

Well, you’re in luck. Here are some based on the leaving cert history syllabus to get you thinking.

The Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition 1912-1949

1. The January 1910 General Election in Ireland

2. The December 1910 General Election in Ireland

3. The founding meeting of the Irish Volunteers

4. Howth Gun-Running

5. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers during WW1

6. The Citizen Army

7. The Battle for Mount Street Bridge – Easter Rising

8. The Conscription Crisis 1918

9. Bloody Sunday 1920

10. The Munster Soviets 1922

11. Cathal Brugha

12. The Army Mutiny 1924

13. The Boundary Commission.

14. The Ardnacrusha Strike 1926

15. Building Ardnacrusha Power Station

16. Eoin O’Duffy

17. Thomas Johnson

18. Belfast Outdoor Relief Strike 1932

19. Anglo-Irish Agreement 1938

20. The Bombing of the North Wall in Dublin

Politics and Society in Northern Ireland 1949-1993

1. The Border Campaign 1956-1962

2. Sean South

3. The Battle of the Bogside

4. Bloody Sunday 1972

5. Internment in the North

6. The Birmingham Six

7. The Ulster Workers Council Strike 1974

8. The Better Life for All Campaign

9. Seamus Costello

10. The Provisional IRA / Official IRA feud

12. The Northern Ireland Labour Party

13. People’s Democracy

14. Ian Paisley

15 The Peace People

16. Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985

17. The DeLorean

18. The Killing of Lord Mountbatten

19. The Darkley Church Massacre

20. The Miami Showband Massacre


Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe 1920-1945

1. The Sparticist Uprising 1919

2. Bela Kun

3. Leon Trotsky role as commander of the Red Army

4. The Russian Civil War

5. The March on Rome

6. Mussolini’s Corporate State

7. The Charleston

8. The Invasion of Abyssinia

9. Inflation in Germany 1923

10. The Munich Putsch

11. Neville Chamberlain

12. The 1936 Olympics

13. Triumph of the Will

14. The UK General Strike 1926

15. The Maginot Line

16. Evacuation from Dunkirk

17. The Battle of the River Plate

18. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

19. The Doodlebug

20. The Spanish Civil War

The United States and the World 1945-1989

1. The implementation of the Truman Doctrine

2. The McCarthy Witchhunt

3. The U2 spy plane controversy

4. Watergate

5. Ronald Reagan’s Visit to Ireland

6. John F Kennedy’s Visit to Ireland

7. The Kent State University killings

8. Star Wars

9. Coca Cola

10. James Dean

11. Woodstock

12. Roe V Wade

13. Malcolm X

14. The Indian Self-Determination Act 1975

15. Apollo 13

16. The Coup in Chile 1973

17. The US invasion of Grenada

18. The Iran-Contra Affair

19. The Three Mile Island Accident

20. The Black Power salute at the Mexico Olympics

European Retreat from Empire and its aftermath 1945-1990

1. 1954 Geneva Conference

2. 1956 Suez Crisis

3. Lybian coup of 1969

4. Muammar Gaddafi

5. Algerian War of Independence 1954

6. The Golden Age of Bollywood

7. The Tamil Tigers

8. The Establishment of the State of Israel

9. The Division of Cyprus

10. Pol Pot

11. Forced deportation from Deigo Garcia

12. French Withdrawal from Indochina

13. Irish Troops on UN duty in the Congo

14. The Six Days War

15. The Soweto Uprising 1976

16. The founding of COSATU

17. The invasion of East Timor 1976

18. Vincent Lingiari (the Gurindji Strike)

19. The Haka

20. Salvador Allende

Of course, many examiners may well appreciate you thinking outside the box. Could you base your project on something of local interest, something the examiner (who won’t be from your region or area) hasn’t read before – or better still, isn’t even aware of?

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